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Jury Duty Information

The 16th Judicial District primarily uses the list of licensed drivers provided by the state. A computer randomly selects a pool of potential jurors for each trial. If your mailing address is incorrect on the juror summons, it is usually because the information is incorrect on the driver's license list received from the state. Jury service is the duty of all citizens, including employers and employees. The district courts will try to accommodate anyone with disabilities wishing to serve as a juror.

You will not be required to serve as a juror more than once in a 12-month period.

You will receive $25 a day for every day you appear, whether you are selected or not. Jurors living more than 10 miles from the district court will be paid mileage at the state rate. Reimbursement is made by each individual county according to their voucher disbursement schedule.

If you have questions, contact the court that issued your summons for jury duty:

Clark County District Court

Comanche County District Court

Ford County District Court

Gray County District Court

Kiowa County District Court

Meade County District Court