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Court Appointed Special Advocates

Advocating for children

CASA programs help secure permanent placement for children who are in the child welfare system because of alleged or confirmed abuse or neglect. The presiding judge can appoint a CASA volunteer to advocate for the best interests of the child and help the child obtain a permanent, safe, and homelike placement. CASA volunteers can be appointed to work with children in the juvenile justice system and with children involved in domestic relations cases. 

CASA programs are not-for-profit organizations governed by local boards of directors. Local programs must meet standards established by the Kansas Supreme Court. They are reviewed annually to ensure compliance with the Supreme Court standards.


What does a CASA volunteer do? 

A CASA volunteer should: 

  • personally investigate and become acquainted with the facts, conditions, and circumstances affecting the welfare of the child they are appointed to help; 

  • visit the child as often as necessary to monitor the child's safety and observe whether the child's essential needs are being met;

  • attend court hearings;

  • participate in meeting with professionals assigned to the child; 

  • participate in the development or modification of the written reintegration plan; and 

  • submit written reports to the court before to scheduled court hearingsinvolving the child. 

Supreme Court Rule 110: CASA Volunteers and Programs


Become a CASA volunteer

To be a CASA volunteer, you must:

  • be at least 21 years old;

  • complete a written application asking for educational background, employment history, and personal experience with child abuse or neglect;

  • provide three written references;

  • be interviewed;

  • pass all required background checks and screenings; and

  • complete all required pre-service training.

Apply to be a CASA volunteer


Kansas CASA programs

Kansas CASA programs

File a Complaint

If you believe a CASA program has violated the Standards for Kansas CASA Programs, you may file a complaint with the Office of Judicial Administration.

File a complaint against a CASA program




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