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Judicial Ethics Advisory Opinions

Seeking an opinion

Judges or judicial candidates can seek an opinion concerning the compliance of an intended, future course of action with the Code of Judicial Conduct. Panelists are retired justices or judges.

Opinions are not binding on the Commission on Judicial Conduct or the Kansas Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Rule 650: Judicial Ethics Advisory Panel

  • JE Opinions 1-55 were written under Supreme Court Rule 601, which was superseded by Rule 601A effective June 1, 1995.

  • JE Opinions 56-166 were written under Supreme Court Rule 601A, which was superseded by Rule 601B effective March 1, 2009.

  • JE Opinions 167-present are governed by Supreme Court Rule 601B.

Search for Supreme Court Rules 601B-651: Rules Relating to Judicial Conduct


Year Issued

Opinion Number



JE 192

Whether the judge can serve on the executive committee of a community organization which performs a variety of activities toward enhancing the availability and delivery of health and human services to citizens in the judge’s county.


JE 191

Questions posed concerning judges soliciting support for Kansas Legal Services to expand services in underserved areas.


JE 190

Whether the judge may serve as a coach of a high school softball team.


JE 189

Whether the judge may advocate for change in the law(s) regarding the restoration of a convicted felon's right to vote once the felon's sentencing requirements have been completed. Four specific questions posed by the judge within the broader question.


JE 188

Whether a judge may write a letter to a sentencing judge in a different judicial district on behalf of a close family member.


JE 187

Whether a judge may actively seek funding for a behavioral health court in the judge's judicial district through grant applications and other allocations from public and private entities.


JE 186

Whether a district magistrate judge may write book reviews for an out-of-state newspaper for compensation.  The judge would not be identified as a judge in any of the reviews, and the writing of reviews would not interfere with judicial duties.


JE 185

Whether a district judge may participate in a video to be created and used in a sibling's out-of-state campaign for Congress.


JE 184

Whether a district judge may purchase a foreclosed, bank-owned property where the judge's involvement in the court proceedings was administrative; the proceedings were not contested; the case is closed; and the appeal time has expired.


JE 183

Whether a judge may hear cases wherein one of the attorneys is also a county commissioner in the county where the case is being heard.

NOTE: The Commission is not bound by advisory opinions. The Commission on Judicial Qualifications respectfully disagrees with the Panel's conclusion in JE 183. "The standard to be applied to a charge of lack of impartiality is whether such charge is grounded on facts that would create reasonable doubt concerning the judge's impartiality... in the mind of a reasonable person with knowledge of all of the circumstances." State v. Griffen, 241 Kan. 68, Syl.¶5 (1987). It is the Commission's position that a determination of reasonable doubt concerning a judge's impartiality must be made on a case-by-case basis. Solely because an attorney appearing in court is a county commissioner for that county does not create a reasonable doubt concerning the judge's impartiality. Note Added 10/20/15


JE 182

Whether a judge, who regularly presides over protection from abuse cases, may serve as a member of an organization whose purpose is to prevent and eliminate sexual and domestic violence through a statewide network of programs.


JE 181

Whether a district judge may accept a nomination as the chairperson of a professional liability screening panel.


JE 180

Whether a Kansas judge may write a short column for a local for-profit newspaper under the heading of "Judge's Corner."


JE 179

A district judge in a partisan election judicial district is retiring, and the judge's child is a candidate for the judge's position. Six questions posed by the judge on what extent the judge may be involved in the child's campaign.


JE 178

Whether a district judge, who presides over the juvenile division, can establish and supervise a citizen review board funded by grants provided by the Kansas Department for Children and Families to address the issue of truancy.


JE 177

Whether a newly elected judge in a partisan district may continue to be the color commentator on radio broadcasts for home games for a state university and whether the compensation being paid is reasonable.


JE 176

Questions posed by a newly appointed district judge regarding continued service with a county fire district.


JE 175

Whether a part-time municipal judge may continue to work for a law firm that collects municipal court debts, under a K.S.A. 12-4119 contract, where the judge would preside


JE 174

A judge and the judge's spouse are licensed foster care parents with the State of Kansas. The judge routinely handles a portion of the Child in Need of Care cases in the judicial district where the judge serves. The judge poses three questions concerning continued foster care placements.


JE 173

Whether a judicial candidate may continue to own and operate an outpatient substance abuse facility and offer substance abuse assessments and treatment if elected judge.


JE 172

A judge, who presides in a multi-judge judicial district, has a child who has recently become an associate/employee of a law firm involved in the general practice of law. The judge asks whether lawyers in the firm may practice before the judge and whether a remittal of disqualification obtained under Rule 2.11(C) would allow the judge to hear cases involving other lawyers in the firm if a conflict does exist.


JE 171

A judge poses four questions concerning leasing space to attorneys or law firms who practice and appear in the judge's metropolitan district.


JE 170

Whether a judge can give a one to two hour presentation on appellate procedure as part of a program entitled "Civil Procedure: A View from the Bench," presented by a for-profit organization that sponsors seminars
throughout the United States.


JE 169

Whether a judge can attend a forum, partially funded by the Transparency and Integrity Fund of the Open Society Institute and the League of Women Voters Education Fund, on diversity in the Kansas judiciary.


JE 168

Attendance of a judge at a presentation by the DUI Victims Center of Kansas whose purpose is to offer services to DUI victims, reduce the traumatic effects DUI incidents have on victims and their families, and to increase the awareness of the danger and human consequences of a DUI.


JE 167

Whether a lawyer who is in partnership with the judge's spouse may appear before the judge.


JE 166

A judge's spouse has and will incur substantial medical expenses. A fund has or will be established with a local bank for the benefit of the judge's spouse which will apparently qualify donors to deduct contributions for income tax purposes as charitable contributions. A judge asks two questions: (1) Whether a judge may ask fellow judges to contribute to this cause, and (2) can the fund accept contributions from lawyers who may appear before the judge in the future?


JE 165

A judge joining a class action lawsuit as a named plaintiff.


JE 164

Whether a judge can ethically hear cases involving a county attorney's office in the judge's district if the judge's spouse is employed as a non-lawyer support staff member of that office.


JE 163

A judge submitting a letter to the editor of a newspaper discussing issues regarding the criminal code in response to an editorial.


JE 162

Whether an active reserve deputy sheriff may be appointed as a municipal court judge of a city located in the county in which the deputy serves.


JE 161

A judge providing an affidavit regarding interpretation of a journal entry in a case where he served as Plaintiff's counsel, prior to becoming a judge.


JE 160

A judge serving as the director of a county disaster agency.


JE 159

Permission to use a judge's photograph in a newspaper advertisement that would identify the judge as a graduate of the university and the judge's position.


JE 158

Judges and retired judges participating in educational efforts regarding nonpartisan selection of district judges that would include speaking at functions during which a brochure will be distributed that contains a request for financial contribution.


JE 157

A judge becoming a member of a group comprised of representatives of various agencies and offices in the state who have a role in Offender Registration laws.


JE 156

A retired district judge, who accepts occasional assignments, assisting with a criminal jury trial.


JE 155

A judge inquires as to whether the judge and spouse may accept an invitation from a former law partner and spouse to stay in their Colorado condo for about a week.


JE 154

A judge inquires whether he may serve on the Board of Trustees of the Kansas Bar Foundation so long as he does not solicit funds or offer legal advice.


JE 153

A chief district judge assigning a district magistrate judge to mediate domestic cases as part of the judge's judicial duties and the district magistrate judge conducting the mediations.


JE 152

A judge serving on an Alumni Association Board of Directors.


JE 151

A judge participating as a player and/or auctioneer in his or her country club's fundraising member guest tournament.


JE 150

A judge becoming a member of a committee formed by a school district to formulate a student drug testing policy.


JE 149

A judge serving as a commissioner for the Department of Wildlife and Parks.


JE 148

A judge responding to a request for an opinion as to a local lawyer's legal ability and general ethical standards.


JE 147

A judge being inducted, at a dinner, into a hall of fame with proceeds raised from the dinner to help fund the education of youth through innovative programs offered by a charity.


JE 146

Judges of a judicial district hosting a dinner at their personal expense for state representatives and county commissioners.


JE 145

A judge lending a photograph and a short biography to an organization as a depiction of a positive role model.


JE 144

Prior to becoming a judge, the judge and another lawyer engaged in the private practice of law separately as sole practitioners in a building owned by the judge's spouse. A judge's spouse continuing a business relationship and lease transaction with the other lawyer who will frequently be appearing before the judge.


JE 143

A judge making donations to organizations designated as 501c(3) and 501c(4) corporations under the Internal Revenue Code.


JE 142

A judge encouraging voters to approve a bond issue which will finance the construction of a new jail in the judge's district. The issue will be submitted to the electorate by ballot for approval.


JE 141

A sitting judge applying for nomination as district judge in a non-partisan district asking an attorney (who has or may appear before the judge) to submit a letter of support.

NOTE: The Commission on Judicial Qualifications respectfully disagrees with the Panel's conclusion in JE 141. Canon 5B(2)(a)(ii) states that a candidate for appointment to judicial office may "seek support or endorsement for the appointment from organizations that regularly make recommendations for reappointment or appointment to the office, and from individuals to the extent requested or required by those specified in Section 5B(2)(a) . . . ." The Commission is not bound by advisory opinions.


JE 140

A judge being recognized by the naming of two volunteer awards in his or her honor.


JE 139

A candidate for district judge responding to a Kansas Judicial Watch questionnaire.

NOTE: The Commission on Judicial Qualifications respectfully rejects the Panel's conclusion in JE-139. Under Republican Party of Minnesota v. White, 536 U.S. 765, 122 S.Ct 2528, 153 L.Ed.2d 694 (2002), judges and judicial candidates are allowed to publicly announce their views on legal, political, or other issues. The Commission is not bound by advisory opinions.


JE 138

A judge attending a symposium sponsored by the National Foundation for Judicial Excellence who would pay all costs of the judge's attendance, including tuition, accomodations and travel.


JE 137

A judge contributing to Kansans for Simple Justice, a coalition formed to educate the Legislature as well as Kansas citizens about the advantages of our current merit-based judicial selection system.


JE 136

A judge (in a multi-judge district) accepting assignment to the criminal docket when the judge and the judge's spouse own real estate which is subject to a long-term lease to the Department of Corrections with said property being occupied by the Office of State Parole.


JE 135

A magistrate judge bidding at public auction and possibly buying a tract of land being sold at Sheriff's sale as the result of a foreclosure action.


JE 134

A judge working as a volunteer at a concession stand at a sporting event in which teams from the judge's children's school participate.


JE 133

A judge selling a number of law books, acquired during the judge's practice of law and prior to appointment or election to the bench.


JE 132

A judge contributing to the Kansans for Impartial Courts Committee of the Kansas Appleseed Center for Law and Justice.


JE 131

Judge attending open houses sponsored by law firms at which hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be provided and accepting an invitation to attend Trial Lawyers Golf & Poker Invitational sponsored by a law firm.


JE 130

A question of disqualification because impartiality might reasonably be questioned due to a pending suit against the judge.


JE 129

Propriety of judges attending the Congressional Conference on Civil Education. The Kansas Department of Education recommends delegates attend the conference, and expenses are paid with funds appropriated by Congress.


JE 128

A judge writing a letter of recommendation or a letter regarding the qualifications of a candidate to a committee formed to select a district magistrate judge.


JE 127

Judge attending a conference sponsored by the National Foundation for Judicial Excellence who would pay for the judge's transportation, meals and lodging.


JE 126

Judges attending a conference sponsored by the same executive agency as in JE 121 whose agents and employees frequently appear as witnesses before the Court. Judges and attorneys are invited to attend.


JE 125

A judge appearing and speaking at zoning board and other governmental meetings appearing pro se on a matter of personal interest.


JE 124

A judge, personally or by an agent, purchasing land at public auction from an estate presided over by the judge.


JE 123

A part-time judge continuing to serve as a part-time judge if elected County Commissioner.


JE 122

A judge in an elective district attending political gatherings and using a "calling tree" to campaign.


JE 121

Judges attending a conference sponsored by an executive agency whose agents and employees frequently appear as witnesses before the Court.


JE 120

A part-time municipal judge, serving as Register of Deeds, wanting to run for re-election or resign as part-time municipal judge to be appointed as a pro tempore, part-time judge during candidacy.


JE 119

A judge attending a model court program with expenses paid by SRS.


JE 118

A judge in an elective district e-mailing a campaign letter to members of the local bar.


JE 117

A municipal judge in an elective district running for office of district magistrate judge and soliciting signatures on a nomination petition.


JE 116

A spouse of a chief judge serving as district magistrate judge in the same judicial district.


JE 115

A re-election committee of a district judge serving in an elective district making campaign contributions.


JE 114

A judge serving on an Advisory Committee of SRS regarding contracts for adoption and foster care privatization.


JE 113

Candidate for appointment as municipal judge, whose brother is the local chief of police, recusing from cases.


JE 112

Judges volunteering to cook and serve meals at a community soup kitchen sponsored by a local church and open to the public daily.


JE 111

A judge serving on a screening panel which will interview candidates and forward names to the Governor for consideration to fill a vacancy in a judicial position in an elective district.


JE 110

A part-time municipal judge serving as precinct committee member and contemplating a term as city council member if written in on the ballot and elected without his or her consent.


JE 109

A judge in an elective district placing a "thank you" letter in the local newspaper.


JE 108

A judge permitting a criminal defendant to make a charitable contribution in lieu of the statutory fine.


JE 107

A district magistrate judge also serving as municipal judge on weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.


JE 106

A judicial candidate, subject to election, contributing to his or her political party.


JE 105

A newly elected judge continuing as Honorary Vice Consul of another nation.


JE 104

A district judge serving on the board of directors of the local United Way.


JE 103

A judge providing a letter of recommendation for a former client seeking expungement of the charge in which the judge, then an attorney in private practice, represented him.


JE 102

A district magistrate judge makes available to the media a written record of all cases coming before the judge. The log, compiled after the case is closed, consists of the defendant's name, the case number, the charge, the date of plea or trial, the sentence, and the name of the defense attorney.


JE 101

A judicial candidate in an elective district submitting various reports of questionable accuracy to the news media regarding the opposing candidate.


JE 100

A judge standing for retention, who has no active opposition, responding to a questionnaire from a local newspaper.

NOTE: The Commission on Judicial Qualifications respectfully rejects the majority view and adopts the minority view expressed in JE 100.


JE 99

A retired judge actively supporting a candidate for judicial office.


JE 98

A district magistrate judge raises questions regarding his duties as a tribal judge and municipal judge.


JE 97

A judge publishing an article about underage drinking of alcoholic beverages.


JE 96

A judicial candidate's service on a governmental committee.


JE 95

A judge's ownership interest in a building which houses members of the judge's former firm who practice in the judge's court.


JE 94

A full-time judge's recusal in cases in which the judge's court reporter's husband, an attorney, or a member of his firm, appear in the judge's court.


JE 93

A full-time judge's recusal in cases in which any member of the firm in which his former spouse's practice is involved.


JE 92

A retired judge serving as an executor of the estate of a person to whom the judge is not related.


JE 91

Substantial gift to local public school foundation to be used to honor a sitting judge.


JE 90

A newly appointed judge completing a term on a local school board.


JE 89

A part-time municipal judge serving as judge in a case in which the judge represented an adverse party more than a year ago in an unrelated civil case.


JE 88

A part-time municipal court judge permitting a local non-profit group to use the telephone lines in his private law office to solicit contributions.


JE 87

Judges appearing before local civic and religious groups to promote the passage of a sales tax for the construction of a new judicial center.


JE 86

Questions raised by a person seeking appointment to municipal office.


JE 85

A city, by charter ordinance, has established procedures for the appointment of its municipal judges and has submitted a proposed contract of employment, to be signed by each municipal judge. Questions arise regarding the contract.


JE 84

A judge serving on a land purchase committee for the judge's church.


JE 83

A candidate for district judge in an elective district serving as campaign treasurer. The candidate will not solicit or accept campaign contributions of any type.


JE 82

A district judge attending a political reception for a fellow judge who is up for election and contributing to the fellow judge's campaign committee. The judge making the request is in the middle of a term and not up for election.


JE 81

A judge in a multi-judge district purchasing a house from an estate in an arm's length transaction.


JE 80

A judge serving as an officer of the Kansas Bar Association (KBA) and being a candidate for an office in the KBA in a contested election.


JE 79

A judge responding to a notice from the Department of Corrections seeking "Official Comments" prior to a Kansas Parole Board hearing.


JE 78

A judge serving as "celebrity chef" for a "silent auction" of the local chapter of a national charitable organization. [JE-78 vacates JE-76.]

NOTE: The Commission on Judicial Qualifications expresses concern that JE-78 may not be valid under all factual circumstances and notes that the Commission is not bound by advisory opinions.


JE 77

A judge serving as an elder of a church.


JE 76

A judge serving as "celebrity chef" for a "silent auction" of the local chapter of a national charitable organization. [JE-76 was vacated by JE-78.]


JE 75

Does the following situation pose an ethical problem for the judge? A law student will be living with the judge and his wife while serving as summer intern in the County Attorney's office in a multi-judge district. The student will not appear in the judge's court, except as an observer.


JE 74

A judge serving as a panelist, without compensation, at an in-house CLE seminar.


JE 73

A district judge serving as trustee for a community organization formed for the purpose of supporting action groups within the organization which aim to increase the quality of life for children and youth.


JE 72

A municipal judge who is also an assistant county attorney serving as prosecutor in the same types of cases that the judge is assigned to hear as municipal judge.


JE 71

A judge appointed guardian ad litem prior to taking the bench referring the minor's subsequent claim for personal injuries to a lawyer and claiming a "referral fee."


JE 70

District Judge serving on a police department community advisory board, the purpose of which is "the advocacy of community policing" and to "improve police services."


JE 69

Four questions are posed regarding Administrative Hearing Officers.


JE 68

Questions posed by a judge-elect regarding campaign committee activity and questions regarding leaving the practice of law.


JE 67

A judge serving as chairman, co-chairman, or as a member of the membership committee of the American Bar Association for the State of Kansas.


JE 66

A candidate in an elective judicial district, subject to public election, running for District Judge and for Precinct Committee person at the same election.


JE 65

A candidate for judicial office serving as his or her own campaign treasurer.


JE 64

A candidate for the office of district judge in an elective judicial district who has held public office questions whether reference can be made to former public statements and publicly taken positions.


JE 63

Is the position of Precinct Committeeman "an office in a political organization" within the meaning of 1995 Kan. Ct. R. Annot. 416, Canon 5A(1)(a)?


JE 62

A judge in an elective judicial district is not a candidate this year. However, the judge's spouse, who belongs to a different political party than that of the judge, will be a candidate for a county office. Five questions posed by the judge are considered.


JE 61

Spouse of a judge in a non-partisan district serving as campaign manager for a candidate for office in a congressional district.


JE 60

District judge being appointed special administrator of a decedent's estate and thereafter as the executor, to serve temporarily pending the appointment of someone else.


JE 59

District judge serving on an advisory committee to advise the Board of County Commissioners as to design options for a proposed justice center, which will include a jail, law enforcement, and judicial facility.


JE 58

Are "substitute judges" for a particular court "pro tempore part-time judges," "periodic part-time judges," or "continuing part-time judges?"


JE 57

"Continuing part-time judge" and a "Periodic part-time judge," as defined in the terminology section of the Rules Relating to Judicial Conduct, 256 Kansas Advance Sheets, No. 3, pp. vii, viii, continuing to practice law before the court upon which they serve.


JE 56

Full-time municipal court judge serving as a member of the local board of education.


JE 55

A judge's wife shares office space and office overhead with other attorneys. Must the judge recuse himself when the "other attorneys" appear before him?

Subsequent opinions are governed by Rule 601A.


JE 54

District Magistrate Judge serving as mediator in domestic relations cases.


JE 53

Newly-appointed municipal judge conducting arraignments for trials, involving defendants whose case files were maintained in the City Attorney's office while the judge, prior to his appointment, was an assistant city attorney handling solely civil litigation.


JE 52

District Magistrate Judge serving as director of a not for profit corporation created to administer a CASA program in the district.


JE 51

Part-time judge as precinct committeeperson. Canon 7A(1)(a).


JE 50

Judge as executor of estate of former legal secretary. Canon 5D.


JE 49

Part-time city attorney serving as part-time municipal judge for a different city.


JE 48

Judge, robed and in courtroom, as model for advertising purposes. Canon 2B.


JE 47

Judge as member of non-profit corporation board of directors. Canon 5B.


JE 46

City council member serving as part-time municipal judge in nearby community. Canons 5C(2), D, E, F, G; 6C; 7(A)(4).


JE 45

Endorsement by judge of federal nominee. Canon 7A(1)(b).


JE 44

Judge's participation in civic affairs. Canon 5B.


JE 43

Newly-appointed judge presiding over case in which he had been representing a party.


JE 42

Judge presiding at docket call wherein son or son's law firm represents a party. Canon 3C(1)(d)(i), (ii), (iii).


JE 41

Whether settlement conference is arbitration or mediation. Canon 5E.


JE 40

Propriety of judge's recommending nominees to appellate courts; distinguished from recommendation of candidates for public office. Canons 4 and 7.


JE 39

Application of Code of Judicial Conduct to unsuccessful judicial candidates. Rule 601 and Canon 7.


JE 38

Judge as member of Kansas Commission on Governmental Standards and Conduct. Kan. Const., art. 3, § 13.


JE 37

Judge's spouse as campaign manager in partisan county-wide election.


JE 36

Listing of judge's name on for-profit legal publication's editorial advisory board. Canon 2B.


JE 35

Judicial involvement in legislative appropriations to educational institutions. Canon 5B(2).


JE 34

Political endorsement by judicial candidates in elective judicial district. Canon 7A(2) and A(3).


JE 33

Use of judge's home for political reception. Canons 2 and 7A(1)(b).


JE 32

Judge's business of writing and selling law-related computer programs. Canons 5C(1), (2), and 6(A).


JE 31

Effect of judge's spouse's appointment to professional teacher negotiating team. Canon 2.


JE 30

Remittal of disqualification because of relationship. Canons 3C(d)(i) and 3D.


JE 29

Retired judge, elected to nonjudicial office, sitting pro tempore. Canon 7A(4) and Rule 601 compliance section C and B(1).


JE 28

Municipal judge's compliance with code; serving as indigent defense counsel. Canons 5C(2), D, E, F, G and 6C; Rule 601 compliance section A.


JE 27

Judge's endorsement of a candidate for public office. Canon 7A(1)(b).


JE 26

Recusal due to relationship disqualification under Canon 3C(1)(d)(iv); procedure for remittal of such relationship under Canon 3D.


JE 25

Judicial candidate's continuation as weekend pastor. Canon 5A and 5B(2).


JE 24

Participation of judge, in nonpartisan judicial district, in political party's presidential caucus. Canon 7A(3)(b).


JE 23

Judge as political party's precinct committeeman; "holding office." Canon 7A(1)(a); KSA 25-3801, -3802.


JE 22

Judge's participation in medical/legal seminar at resort; degree of involvement/sponsorship. Canon 2B.


JE 21

Propriety of newly-appointed district judge remaining as co-trustee of former client's revocable trust. Canon 5D.


JE 20

Fundraising for non-profit organization by submitting to mock arrest and soliciting "bail money" from family and acquaintances. Canon 5B(2).


JE 19

Involvement of judge in cases handled by judge's former law firm; effect of "blind trust" set up by judge to administer proceeds due him upon his leaving practice. Canons 2; 3C(1), (2), and (3); and 3D. Judge as stockholder and director of abstract and title company. Canon 5C(1), (2), and (3). Judge as holder of tenant in common interest in 36-acre strip-pit used for recreational and not income-producing purposes. Canon 5C(2).


JE 18

Solicitation of funds from law school classmates to provide gift to law school; use of judicial stationery. Canon 5B(2).


JE 17

Judge, legatee under father's will, acting as co-executor with mother and as attorney for executors. Canon 5D and Kan. Const. Art. 3, § 13.


JE 16

Solicitation of funds from charitable foundations by judge as member of board of directors of private, not-for-profit corporation "County Substance Abuse Services, Inc." Canon 5B(2).


JE 15

Judge as investor in abstract company. Canon 5C(1), (2), and (3).


JE 14

Judge as member of country club board of directors. Canon 5.


JE 13

Attendance of judge's spouse at political gatherings; political contributions by judge's spouse from spouse's business income maintained in separate account.


JE 12

Appearance of firm members before former partner, now district judge, who is also owner/landlord of firm's office building and son of former partner who is retired and receiving an annuity from the firm and whose name remains on firm letterhead. Canons 2B and 3C.


JE 11

Appearance before or appointment of attorney/spouse by magistrate judge/spouse. Canon 2 and 3B(4). Preparation of tax returns by attorney who is newly-elected district magistrate judge. Canon 5F. Attorney's advice to clients upon being appointed to the bench; recommendation of spouse/attorney. Canon 2. Use of firm letterhead with name of attorney who is newly-appointed judge during interval before appointment is effective.


JE 10

Participation in ABA's Network of Concerned Correspondents. Canon 5.


JE 9

Appearance of attorney who is judge's daughter before other judges in district. Canon 3C.


JE 8

Involvement of judge in fellow judge's campaign for office. Canon 7A(1)(b).


JE 7

Receipt of award from special interest bar association. Canons 2 and 2A and S. Ct. Rule 650(d).


JE 6

Involvement of members of the District Court Nominating Commission, the Supreme Court Nominating Commission, and the Commission on Judicial Qualifications in debate surrounding method for selection of district judges. S. Ct. Rule 650.



Solicitation of funds to support position on selection of district judges. Canons 4C, 5B(c), and 7B(2).


JE 5

Judicial participation in debate surrounding the method for selection of district judges. Canons 4, 5, and 7.


JE 4

Application of Canons to municipal court judges; resignation from judicial office upon candidacy for county attorney position. Canon 7A(3).


JE 3

Participation of judge in spouse's political campaign for spouse's elective office.


JE 2

Seeking election to different division than presently occupied in partisan, multi-division judicial district. Canons 2 and 7.


JE 1

Soliciting funds for National Judges Education & Research Foundation, Inc.; judge's role as officer in such organization. Canon 5 and its Comment B(2).

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