Fee Amounts. The Supreme Court establishes the amount of each application processing fee; each fee is subject to change. An applicant must pay any of the following applicable fees:
(1) legal intern permit under Rule 715: $50;
(2) admission to the bar by examination under Rule 716: $700;
(3) late fee for an application submitted during the grace period under Rule 716: $200;
(4) admission to the bar by Uniform Bar Examination score transfer under Rule 717: $1,250;
(5) temporary permit to practice law under Rule 718: $100;
(6) admission to the bar without examination under Rule 719: $1,250;
(7) military-spouse restricted license to practice law under Rule 720: $1,250;
(8) single-employer restricted license to practice law under Rule 721: $1,250; and
(9) reapplication for a person whose application to take the bar examination was previously denied for failure to establish the requisite character and fitness qualifications: $1,250.
No Waiver or Refund. Except as described in subsection (c), the Attorney Admissions office cannot waive or refund an application processing fee listed in subsection (a).
Military Service Exception. An applicant who is unable to take the bar examination due to active military service may request a refund of the application processing fee.
Bar Admission Fee Fund. The Office of Judicial Administration will deposit all application processing fees in a fund known as the bar admission fee fund. Any unused balance in the fund may be applied to an appropriate use determined by the Supreme Court.
History: New rule adopted effective July 1, 2022;
Am. (a)(6) effective January 11, 2024.]